Closures? Discussion about parking in Farley Mount is ongoing

Farley Mount landowners and governing bodies discuss future plans.

Last month, Chronicle reported that parking lots at the beauty spot near Winchester might be closed to fend off professional dog walkers.

It was unclear whether these closings were decided or would be consulted before action was taken.

It has now been found that the South Lynch Estate Office, which owns part of Farley Mount, the Forestry Commission and Hampshire County Council meet regularly to work out a “all parties to agree” plan.

George Rees of the South Lynch Estate Office said, “We will consult with local councils and residents, but a comprehensive plan that will satisfy everyone with the long-term benefits to the location will take a long time.” be sorted. ”

A letter from Hursley Parish Council Chairman Cllr David Killeen said that some parking lots are being closed in a lawsuit because professional dog walkers are preventing residents from using the land.

A commenter on the Chronicle’s website said: “At the beginning of last month (so still fully closed) I drove by and counted over 10 cars that were left on the street as all the parking spaces were already full.

“Closing parking lots will only push more users into the street. Take the passing spaces and cause chaos in traffic.”

Another added, “I visit Farley Mount every day (but not on weekends) with my dog. I have certainly seen an increase in users since the lockdown.

“Only a few of the parking lots are usually full (Crab Wood and T Junction), the rest are usually pretty quiet. The forest may look like it is wobbling, but once you get out of the parking lot it’s that big that he is very big peaceful.

“So the argument that it is teeming with professional dog walkers is a fallacy. There are some problems with dog poop not being picked up (which annoys me). Another problem is the number of people walking on the road from Winchester / run / cycle as no way off Sarum Road.

“Would like to see a path made for the public to make it safer (especially for children). Would encourage more people to go there. Maybe through the woods next to the fields like the A272 towards Crawley? Me think it’s really nice more people enjoying Farley Mount, just get the poop! ”

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